How to-Tips for Beginning to do Dreamwork!

1. Train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. The loud ringing or loud music will wake you but it will also obliterate the dream.

2. Choose or create a beautiful journal in which to enter your dreams. Place it and a pen next to your bed where you can easily reach it.

3. Before going to sleep state your intention to remember your dreams that night.

4. Ask for a dream - this is called incubating a dream. When you have taken this step the Psyche will respond and give you helpful dreams that you will remember.

5. Upon awakening lie still in order to gather your thoughts and remember your dreams.

6. Write the dreams down. As you are writing -- leave two or three lines blank as you go along. You will find that you will be remembering more and more of the dream, as you write it down and that is why you should start writing even though you feel you don't remember it. The more you write, the more you will remember.
7. Go back and fill in the blanks.

8. List the action, persons and settings in the dream. What do these things and persons mean to you?

9. Now give the dream a title and date.
10. Note what the strongest feelings you had in the dream were.

11. Make associations to the dream symbols in the spaces you have left. What do the symbols and elements mean to you?

12. Ask what the dream is trying to convey. What helpful message does it have for you?

13. Do something with the dream, paint, draw and dialogue with it.

14. Read it aloud to yourself or to a friend. Hearing it outside yourself may help you be more objective about it.

15. Ask yourself- what is going on in my life right now, that this dream maybe
addressing? Give the dream a context with which it is occurring.

16. After a few months of journaling your dreams make a list of all the repetitive
images, so that you can begin to recognize your own symbolic vocabulary.

The more you do these steps the more dreams you will remember.